
11:17:00 AM Gadislensa 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum everyone! 

Alhamdulillah , praised be to Allah S.W.T . Everyday is another chance to change our life.

Sometimes you have to live through the worst parts of life so you never take the best parts for granted.
Sometimes it hurts more to stay away from what hurts you than to keep allowing it to hurt you.
That's why you make excuses when they don't exist. That's why you create hope that, ironically, make you hopeless. That's why you put locks on doors before you try to open them. Not everyone we meet will give us the respect or love that we deserve. Respect them anyway. Love them anyway. No matter what we do, be kind. It is better to be kind and be hurt than to be unkind and cause pain.

Just because someone caused you pain, it does not mean that others aren't trustworthy.
Just because someone broke your heart, it does not mean that it will remain broke forever.

It is better to love with a whole heart, to give with a whole heart, and to trust with a whole heart than to never experience the beauty of love, the reward of giving, and the comfort of trusting.
This is all parts of the experience that grow us, not fear of it.

There will come a time when you will want to run away, to hide, to stop existing for a while.
My dear, it is on those days that you should raise up your hands up to the sky and call out to Allah and cry. Never did Allah say that this journey would be easy, but, countless times he has promised that he will be our "wali" (protective friend) through every moment of it. And yet we leave his company and run after the people and things that break us.

Sometimes I find it unfair, other people continue to judge me and badmouthing me for what they hear only from the other side. I've been accused of nothing for what i didn't do and misinterpreted. Every person on earth has problems of his or her own. You may look around and see that everyone else's life is perfect because they have what they want or what you wish you had. You may be feeling like you're living in a blurry view. You may not care about how you interact with those around you because you're so engulfed in your own troubles. Who knows that their troubles may be bigger than yours, worse than yours and more hurtful than yours. Just because I don't talk about them, doesn't mean they don't exist. Every thought has the right time to be verbalized, and every feeling has the right time to be expressed. The reason I write this not to gain your sympathy.  I am not saying I am perfect because we're all bad in someone's story.

You see, we all walk different paths. We struggle to be ourselves in a world that want us to be anything but ourselves. We know our own weaknesses and struggles, and you are the one who need to works to overcome them, so your strength means more to you than it could ever mean to anyone else. If you're not living my life, don't think you know how I should live it. It is easy to judge a person's decisions if we don't try to understand the reasons that led to those decisions. Gravitate toward those who assume the best in you, even at your worst.

I pray that all of us would be given the supernatural wisdom to find ways in overcoming the challenges you are facing today. And may you be blessed with the strength and commitment to carry through. Amiin.

see you again peeps!
