
7:39:00 PM Gadislensa 0 Comments


Assalamualaikum everyone!
I hope that everyone is in a good health. xoxo
Its been awhile. I know I know! hahaha
Thank you so much to those who support me and encourage me to write more.
All this while I write and just keep it inside the draft box. hehehe

I have too much on my plate since last 2 weeks. Let's begin!

    Sometimes people make it obvious what's in their hearts, not necessarily through words but indirectly through their actions. Do we make what's in our hearts as obvious in return? Sometimes we try so hard to hide our thoughts and feelings because we are scared of the unknown. Foremost I am scared of being misunderstood. And because of all this, we tend to linger in a state of uncertainty, not knowing what to do because all we know is what we see and not what we hear. 
    Doubt and uncertainty are probably the two things that keep us from doing half of the things that we think of doing and that we regret not doing it later on. There is a pressing feeling within us that just wants to know what is meant to be and what is not. While we want to know the answers to some of the burning questions that we have, we often fail to do the simplest thing that we can do to get the answer. "Ask the question??". We live with the hope that it will magically answer itself with time, and our excuse is. If it's meant to be it will happen. We would rather it be not answered and kept inside rather than be asked and expose our thoughts. 

    Sometimes there are so many thoughts that would be much more beautiful if they were just kept as thoughts. Words sometimes don't do justice to our thoughts and feelings. They are better kept inside to last awhile rather than said and forgotten. Every thought has the right time to be verbalized, and every feeling has the right time to be expressed. Meanwhile, enjoy the thought, enjoy the feeling, and give them the time they deserve to be as strong as you want them to be.

    I have a thought on... just because someone doesn't acknowledge what you do, it does not mean they don't see it. People are selective in making obvious what they see about you. They may acknowledge it in their hearts but avoid allowing you to see that. They may avoid that simply because they think it's expected of you and not anything that you need praise for. Don't evaluate yourself through people's words or through their praise. Let the sincerity in your heart see the sincere acknowledgment in other people's heart.

    Remember that not everyone you meet will give you the respect or love that you deserve. Respect them anyway. Love them anyway. No matter what you do be kind. It is better to be kind and be hurt than to be unkind cause pain. You were given the gift of a soft heart. So do not lose it. Do not allow your heart to harden. Just because someone caused you pain, it does not mean that everyone will. Just because someone betrayed your trust, it does not mean that others aren't trustworthy. Just because someone broke your heart, and to trust with a whole heart than to never experience the beauty of love, the reward of giving and the comfort of trusting. don't let all those of the uncertainty, break you apart. Get back up. Love again. Give again. Trust again. It is the experience that grows you, not the fear of it.

That's all for today. This post supposedly post on last december 2020 but today is already in the second day of 2021. Hehe. See you again real soon!

; Fs @ gadislensa.

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