HIJAB part 1

6:57:00 PM Gadislensa 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters ;)
"Hijab is not a piece of cloth on your head . It's way of life.

Just because some of the sisters have their head covered , they think that the requirement of Hijaab is fulfilled. They don't realize that wearing a Hijaab requires much more than just covering your head.

Actually, if you think about it, Hijaab is the way you talk... the way you walk.. the way you carry yourself. In fact , Hijaab is an attitude in itself. Its a whole way of life.

Allah says : "And say to the believing women to lower their gazes , and to guard their private parts , and not to display their beauty (zeenah) except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs) , and not to display their beauty except to their husband's fathers, or their sons , or their husband's sons , or their brothers , or their brother's sons , or their sisters' sons , or their womenfolk , or what their right hands rules (slaves) , or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire , or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent , and not to strike the freet (on thee ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repetance to Allah together , O you believers , in order that you are successful." (Surat-Un-Nur : 31 )

There are some of the more common issues in light of this verse about the Hijaab , see the Next Posts.. Soon. :)

In Shaa Allah we will be a Good Muslimah :)


"Lower Your Gaze"

6:03:00 AM Gadislensa 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum to all the readers ..

It's Story Time !!! :D

"Lower Your Gaze"

The story of a young Man who had a habit of looking at women.

This young man asked Sheikh : I feel guilty about myself for a bad habit I am unable to get rid off!
I can't stop myself from looking at girls in the market, what should I do ?

Sheikh gave him a glass full of milk which was filled upto its edges and asked one of his student to accompany him to he market.

He told his student to beat him in front of everyone if he spilled even a drop of milk.

Of course the young man managed to walk without spilling a drop of milk and returned to the Sheikh.

Sheikh asked : How many girls did you see on your way ??

The young man replied : I didn't see anyone aound me as my concentration was only on the glass of milk because I was scared of getting beaten up in front of everyone if I spill the milk.

Sheikh replied : The same is the case with a true Muslim.

The true believer is afraid of ALLAH and shame on the day of resurrection if he commits a sin...

These believers protect themselves from committing sin as they are always focused on the judgement day !!!

Allah says In the Holy Quran ;

Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) , and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is all-aware of what they do. 
Al Quran : Surah Al-Noor Verse No.30

May Allah protect us from looking at haram thing . Ameen ...

Sincerely ;
Farzana Syasya


Is not Allah sufficient for his servant ?

4:23:00 PM Gadislensa 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum sister and brother =)
How are you guys? May Allah bless you all..
Today I am gonna sharing something special..
Enjoy your reading.

If you want a friend, ALLAH is sufficient. Yes, if He is the friend, everything is your friend.

If you want companions, the QURAN is sufficient. Indeed, for in the imagination one meets with the prophets and angels in it, watches the events in which they were involved and becomes familiar with them.

If you want possessions, CONTENTMENT is sufficient. Yes, one who is content is frugal; and one who is frugal, finds the blessing of plenty.

If you want an enemy, the SOUL (nafs) is sufficient. Yes, one who fancies himself is visited with calamities and meets with difficulties. Whereas one who is not fond of himself, finds happiness, and goes to mercy.

If you want advice, 
DEATH is sufficient. Yes, one who thinks of death is saved from love of this world, and works in earnest for the Hereafter.
 The one who offers the supplications knows that there is Someone (Allah) Who hears the wishes of his heart, Whose hands can reach all things, Who can bring about each of his desires, Who takes pity on his impotence, and answers his poverty.

sincerely ;-
Farzana Syasya