Ramadhan Come Back !

6:11:00 AM Gadislensa 0 Comments


Assalamualaikum my dear , Alhamdulillah Ramadhan come back :)
What is mean by Fasting?

Fasting is not just denying yourself food. It is exchanging the needs of the physical body for the preparation of your hereafter.

Fasting makes us patient, humble, and thankful; and these three qualities are most loved by Allah. 

Let this Ramadhan take your Heart and Give it to Allah forever. 

Best Present you can ever give to your Lord. 

Submit your will to Allah as soon as possible , because we all have unknown deadlines. 

We may not have another Ramadhan,
 so it's my humble request to all my Muslim brothers and sisters to use this Ramadhan wisely.


There is a few tips :-


1. Purify your intention
2. Avoid overeating
3. Get plenty of rest
4. Don't boast when you fast
5. Avoid pictures of food

and there is a few tips for Healthy Ramadan Fasting :-


Common mistakes in Ramadan. 1. Focusing on food 2. Making suhoor much before Fajr 3. Sisters think they cannot use Hennah while fasting


Ps : During the first few days of , you may feel tired and irritable. Don't give up, it'll pass when you get used to it.

Ramadhan Kareem to all of my beloved Muslims in whole world.

sincerely , Syasya Abdul Malek



9:27:00 PM Gadislensa 0 Comments

Assalamualaikum .. 
perdengarkan lah Puisi ini

Jalan Mati -

Otak aku beku
Perut aku sebu

Kaki aku dingin
Dada aku angin

Berminggu-minggu aku teriak
Kau buat pekak

Berhari-hari aku cari
Makin kau lari

Lucut selimut halimunanmu
Simpati aku yang termangu

Noktah diam rajukmu
Kasihani aku yang buntu

Kenapa kau hilangkan diri
Tiap kali hati aku berpenghuni

Kenapa kau tak pulang-pulang
Seolah aku telah curang

Aku perlukanmu!

Ada satu ruang dalam jiwa aku yang tak boleh diisi manusia ,
walaupun dia.

Aku perlukanmu!

Wahai Inspirasi ,
ke mana kau pergi?
Jangan Tinggalkan aku begini!

-salam Raga adik manis-